Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lorna's Sugar Detox: Day 2

Today I feel:

My husband came HOME from his TDY and I'm feeling pretttttyyy prettttyyy happy. I can finally start working out for my break instead of going home to let puppy-face out. Oh and the whole my husband is home thing is nice too!

We had Starbucks and Hotto-Motto (Japanese fast-food/bento take-out) so we can call it a "cheat" day today.

Now here's what you've been waiting for! Day 2 post of my friend Lorna's sugar detox adventure. Enjoy!

Lorna: 21 Day Sugar Detox, Day 2
Why do people complain about Mondays? Tuesdays are where the true evil lies!
People are prepared for Mondays, they know it will be a tough slog after the weekend so they prepare - whether it is getting up as soon as the alarm goes off or prepping their lunch the night before - people might not like Mondays, but they are ready for them. Tuesdays, on the other hand, just blindside you. Tuesdays are where all the problems of the week hit you.
Take my morning so far for instance...

05.55: Up
06.25: Out the door to walk to the train station
06.40: Arrive at the station and realise I've forgotten my travel card. Walk back home. Find travel card.
06.55: Out the door for the second time.
07.09: Finally get on a bleedin' train.

If ever there was a morning that deserved a giant, strong foamy coffee, it would be today but I will persevere. And look at it this way, my foolishness this morning is forcing me to get some extra exercise - according to S Health, I've already done 5,000 steps!

Himself is also attempting the detox, and he really missed coffee yesterday, complaining of terrible headaches but I reckon my first pangs of withdrawl won't hit until later today or tomorrow.
He is also trying new things - he doesn't eat nuts so he picked up a bag of that of t- touted superfood, goji berries, yesterday. Not too impressed by them. They are kind of like squishy yet dry raisins with a smokey aftertaste. But they say you should try any new food 3-5 times before you decide whether you like it, so we'll give them a go for a while.

My breakfast was a drawn out and bizarre affair today - I only managed my fizzy vitamins before leaving the house. Once I arrived in IKEA after my epic trek, I had some almonds to keep me going but then it was time to drive straight into camera tests ans showing the cinematographer around, and it was 11.00 before we could sit down to eat. Sadly that meant that we had just missed IKEA's bargain breakfast by minutes... and I had so been looking forward to it! Meat, eggs and a hash brown, while not the healthiest start to the day, would have been wonderfully filling and sugar free. Instead, as the lunch menu had already started, I had to improvise something breakfast-y. .. and that meant being a bit naughty and having some bread.

Breakfast : (06.10) Effervescent vitamins; (08.30) 30g almomds; (11.10) Smoked salmon (no dressing), minestrone soup with loads of veg, a wholewheat bread roll with butter and water.

We finished up in IKEA around 14.40 and because we had eaten breakfast so late we didn't fancy hitting the restaurant again but we were peckish. So we visited the bistro area on the way out... big mistake. The options are ice cream, doughnuts, milkshakes, hot dogs, meatballs, pizza slices and fries. I was standing in the queue wondering if fries or a pizza slice would be more of a cheat, and trying to reason with myself that at least the pizza had veg on it, when I caught myself - I couldn't give in on just day 2! So I just grabbed a bottle of water for the long journey home.

So proud of her for hanging in there! It's so crazy how our body reacts to not having it's regular dose of sugar and caffeine. We seriously get addicted to the stuff and have to go over that "hump" to kick the "habit". Everything in moderation is key, but seeing how you feel when you cut out sugar completely is important too. I felt amazing when I dropped sugar for a week and have lost my sweet tooth so when I do eat/drink stuff with sugar in it now I enjoy small amounts whereas the old me would think it tastes bland and not sweet at all. If you drink pop, seriously kick the habit cold turkey, you'll thank yourself in a week when you don't even like it anymore.

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