Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lorna's Sugar Detox Day 2 (part 2)

Lorna: 21 Day Sugar Detox, Day 2 (part 2)

By the time I got in though I was pretty hungry, but brain - dead from sitting on hot public transport for so long, so I just ate some fruit and drank gallons of water until Tom came in and we split a Spanish meat platter while cooking dinner together.

Lunch: (15.00) 500ml water; (16.30) Small green apple & 15-20g goji berries; (19.00) 60g 
Spanish cured meats; lots of water.

Dinner: (20.00) Brown rice with onions, bacon & peas cooked in a little stock; lots more water.

I know I should be avoiding fruit but I figured that was the healthiest snack I could grab... and I was fighting the urge to  make a big buttery bowl of pasta or some delicious white toast.
I definitely learned my lesson about not going too long between meals and snacks today though... when the other half came home and we popped to the shops for brown rice and meat, every kind of sugary treat was jumping off the shelves at me! Here's to a more sensible day tomorrow.

Total exercise:19,469 steps (approx. 15.55km) which apparently burned about 686kcal

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