Saturday, August 2, 2014

Lorna's Sugar Detox Day 3 & 4

Today I feel:

My weekend has been pretty awesome. Went on a date with my husband to a Yakiniku restaurant and it was SO COOL. Yakiniku is similar to Korean barbecue, there's a grill in the middle of the table and you order meat and sides and cook it yourself. This particular place had just opened and they had a cool new system where you order your food on a touch screen iPad looking thing. It took us a minute to figure it out but once we got it we seriously couldn't stop ordering stuff. SO... MUCH....MEAT. It was an all you can eat place though, so definitely had to pay attention to those portions! Next time we go I'll definitely take a bunch of pictures and post em here.

Lorna sent me some more updates of how her sugar detox is doing. I didn't have time to post them this weekend so here are days 3 & 4!

Lorna: 21 Day Sugar Detox, Day 3

Breakfast: (07.30) 2 pieces of crispy bacon & effervescent vitamins.

I know this isn't going to fill me, but I have a big bag of almonds to get me through my day. I am desk - bound today as I am trying to finish my thesis and I'm a bit nervous that being in one place all day will make me more likely to snack.

On Day 3, the thing I am really missing is chewing gum. I usually munch on 4-6 pieces a day in between meals but as even the sugar free ones contain sweeteners, I am trying to avoid them for the full three weeks. It makes me very conscious of my breath, though thankfully without my usual coffees if is not as much as an issue as I had feared - but it is making me keep a toothbrush close at hand at all times!

Snacks: (09.00-13.00) 110g almonds
Lunch: (14.00) Brown rice with chopped tomatoes, courgette, sweet potato & chicken. 
Snack: (17.30) Walker's ready salted crisps
Dinner: (22.30) Small lamb chop & asparagus.
I polished off an entire 2l bottle of water during the day, and a few cups of ginger tea, and then I drank more water in the evening.

Sadly, as I was at my desk for most of the day I didn't quite meet my 10,000 steps a day goal, but I did come agonizingly close to it!

Total exercise: 9795 steps (approx. 7.89km) which burned about 363kcal.

Lorna: 21 Day Sugar Detox, Day 3

Breakfast: (07.30) 2 pieces of v crispy bacon, a poached egg and of course, my fizzy vitamins.
Snack: (12.30) Walker's ready salted crisps

These are the only kind of crisps that you can eat on the detox - and flavouring comes with a load of other additives that push it into the v bad category. But let's be honest, any kind of crisps at all are not exactly healthy so I don't want to make a habit of reaching for this kind of snack.

I need to stock up on more nuts and maybe some cooked meats - but I need to check the seasonings.
Also, I'm pretty sure that while I'm  (trying to) cut out sugar, my salt intake is sky - rocketing. Not good!

Lunch: (18.30) 2 x pork & herb sausages, mashed potatoes, peas, onion gravy and 2 x garlic bread slices. 

I know, I know - I shouldn't have had the garlic bread, but as usual with all my running around I had left it too long between meals and I was absolutely starving. I felt I had earned a bit of carb loading but I really just need to learn a bit of restraint - I won't see the benefits of this detox if I keep cheating.
Because I had had lunch so late I didn't feel like dinner with the other half, so I just had a little apple when I got in.

Snack: (20.30) A small green apple.
Total exercise: 14,028 steps (approx. 11.25km) which burned about 478kcal.

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