Monday, August 18, 2014

Lorna's Sugar Detox: Day 12

Today I feel:

I've been cooking SOOOO MUCHHH lately. John is preparing for a PT test so I'm trying to keep it healthy and homemade for the most part. Now that I have a job it does get a little tough planning things out sometimes but it feels so good to eat healthy meals that you make yourself so its worth it.

I made this chicken spinach dish the other day that is SO easy you guys have to try it. I'll be posting pics and a recipe of it sometime this week! 

Oh and P.S. its my BIRTHDAY! I treated myself to a strawberry short cake ice cream so my taste buds are happy....Speaking of sugar, here's day 12 of Lorna's detox Journal! Enjoy :)

Lorna: 21 Day Sugar Detox, Day 12

We are trying to forgo the bacon and sausages for a while because there is not much point in cutting out sugar but replacing it with loads of fat!

Breakfast: (07.30) Scrambled eggs with green peppers, seasoned with chili and fizzy vitamins.

I had meetings today, and was also trying to select an editor so I was pretty much desk-bound all day, so even though I had a salad ready in the fridge, I wandered down to good old Marks & Spencer to get some more grub - and get me away from my desk.

Lunch: (13.00) Sprouted pea & bean salad (I ditched the dressing), some marinated prawns (again, without the sweet chilli dressing) and some plain salted popcorn.

In the afternoon, the head of the school set up a bar tab to celebrate being voted the number 1 film school in the world - it seemed rude not to accept the free drink. It was especially needed as one of my classmates and I needed to have a good moan about problems with our respective projects.

Snack: (17.30) Pear cider (naughty, naughty) and some peanuts.

As I had already started down the slippery slope, I didn't fancy a super healthy dinner. What I was really craving was a big dirty take - away but I really want to stay strong... so we compromised and we did get take - away but we made very careful choices.

Dinner: (21.00) Tandoori chicken (no sauce, just baked with dry spices) and pilau rice.

Not the best day ever, but I think I managed to bring myself back from the brink of breaking the challenge completely!

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