Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lorna's Sugar Detox: Day 5,6,7

Lorna: 21 Day Sugar Detox, Day 5

Today is technically the last day of term in my school, but only 1st year students get to take a break. Last year I was able to go back to Ireland and work for 5 weeks (money, yay!). But this year I am in the thick of pre - production for my grad Project (the IKEA documentary that sees me eating there a few times a week) so no summer holiday/summer job for me. :(

Breakfast: (07.30) 2 x bacon & 2 x sausages

I'm enjoying having the excuse to eat bacon, but I really need to trade this breakfast for veggie omelettes so I can cram some more nutrients into my day.

Lunch: (14.00) Another hot pot type thing today - this time it's brown rice cooked with chopped tomatoes, beef, green beans and peppers.

Sadly, beef is the worst thing to microwave so it wasn't as tasty as it should have been.
I spent 3 hours working behind the bar this evening at our school bar at the student summer party - I reckon that was a good calorie burner, and actually because I was behind the bar rather than enjoying the sunshine or playing stupid party games (it might be a post - grad film school but we are all just children in the end!) I wasn't tempted to drink at all.

Today was possibly the first day I experienced something Iryna had warned me of - the sugar detox anger! I had some project - related stress and it absolutely drove me over the edge. Instead of being able to tackle the trouble head - on, I just became this fierce cloud of rage. In fairness, some school - related stresses have the tendency to push be over the edge, so I really don't know whether it was fair to blame the sugar... but at least I didn't reach for a slab of  chocolate or a bottle of red wine, which would be my usual reaction to this kind of situation.
Back at home and away from the source of my rage, I had a lovely dinner with the other half...
(Even if it doesn't look as appealing as it tasted!)

Dinner: (22.30) Pork belly with a sweet potato and some roasted carrots.

During the day I also managed to polish off some ready salted crisps and some raisins, which obviously have some sugar in, but not as much as the aforementioned slab of chocolate!

Total exercise: My step counter says I did 7065 steps/3.64km/244kcal but that is not including the 3.5hrs I did on my feet behind the bar - students are thirsty drinkers so that was definitely a workout!

Lorna: 21 Day Sugar Detox, Day 6

On Saturdays and Sundays I work in a cards and gifts shop in the posh little village where I study Monday - Friday. It's not very stressful, or particularly difficult, and even though the hours are long and I'd love to be doing something more fun with my weekends, but it pays my rent and bills so I'm not going to complain (much!).

On Saturdays I need to be in work for 8.15 so I am out of bed pretty early. This is always a rather painful experience - even after 18 months I am still not used to my alarm going off at 6.45 on a Saturday morning! Usually the other half just rolls over and wishes me well on my day, but because he knew I needed to eat something sugar - free and not just grab a pastry or Subway breakfast roll (my usual Saturday choices), he got up with me.

Breakfast: (07.00) 2× bacon rashers & 2x sausages.

Lunch: (12.30) Some almonds & hazelnuts; some marinated prawns from M&S  (I skipped the sweet chilli sauce that came with them; and carrot sticks with reduced fat houmous (also from M&S).

As we sell fancy jars of retro sweets in the shop we always have a jar of something to try on the counter. It is there for customers but of course staff will try a few samples as well! After hearing about my detox, my manager found a jar of garlic and rosemary cashew nuts to put alongside the amaretto biscuits she had put out. So those nuts were my snack for the day.

We went to see an old friend that we met on our South East Asia travels reading from a book that he is soon to publish (Go Paul!) and by the time we finished we were starving. We found a little pub that had an interesting menu, and we found some diet friendly items, including some Spanish meats but when we ordered we found that they were out of several things we wanted, so our dinner wasn't as detoxy as we were aiming for!

Dinner: (20.00) Korean - style chicken wings (no batter or sauce, just wings with fresh chillis) with some onion rings and fries.

Total exercise: 7641 steps / 5.96km / 248kcal.

I use my phone to count my steps, so of course I didn't have it on me between 8.15 and 18.15 when I was running around the shop serving customers...given how much my legs tend to ache after work, I'm pretty sure I do well over 10,000 steps on those days!

Lorna: 21 Day Sugar Detox, Day 7

Woohoo! It's the end of the first week, and I should be delighted but actually I'm pretty disappointed. I made it through the first 6 days and then today I just really fell off the wagon...

It started with brekki...The other half and I usually have a treat like pancakes, or a little mini-fry-up on a Sunday, just to spend a bit of time together because, as you can imagine with my schedule, we don't see an awful lot of each other these days. But as he had gotten up yesterday, and as we certainly won't be having pancakes for a while, I left himself to sleep... and turned to cereal instead. Cereal is a rubbish breakfast - it isn't filling, it doesn't keep you going for long and it was almost no decent nutritional value. So I got off to a bad start...

Breakfast: (08.00) Corn flakes with semi-skimmed milk.

On a Sunday in work I have to manage the shop so there is an awful lot to do, and not much time for breaks, so I usually just take 15 mins at the desk, typing emails while I eat.

Lunch: (13.20) Some hazelnuts and almonds.

Now, here's where my bad start set me up for failure...The last few weeks, my colleagues at work have been having a bake-off. I had better resolve during the week and I was able to turn down the sweet treats that they brought in...But today was a different story.

I wish I had a picture to show you the amazing cake pops that Simone had made - chocolate cake with chocolate icing and tiny little sugar flowers dotted on them. They were really expertly done and looked amazing. And because I was tired, and hungry because I hadn't planned ahead, I couldn't resist them...
Snacks: 2x cake pops

They were literally only a bite each, but obviously they are chock full of sugar - this wasn't just a little cheat, it was a full - on break.
Anyway, by the time I got home I was determined to get back on track and not give in to temptation again.

Dinner: (18.30) Gammon ham with broccoli and roast potatoes.

Here's to being better behaved in Week 2!

Total exercise: 6676 steps / 5.24km / 222kcal but obviously that is not counting the time I was in work, from 09.15 until 17.00.

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