Monday, April 28, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 1

Today I feel:

This morning I drank a giant glass of water with a splash of organic apple cider vinegar and put on my sports bra and running shorts. I don't know about you guys, but this has always (never) worked to motivate me to work out.

I think its the "1st day" excitement. It happens with anything you start and then you begin to be less and less committed to it. The nice thing is, I'm blogging about it and I'm part of a challenge I HAVE to do it! That accountability is seriously the best motivation right now.

For breakfast today I had a strawberry Shakeology shake with just water. For those of you who have never heard of it, its like a meal replacement with a bunch of "boosts". Gives you energy, makes you feel full, curbs sugar cravings. Super healthy stuff. Check THIS out for more info on Shakeology or if you wanna try it. Now, if you are not used to protein shakes and haven't tried other meal replacement shakes, it might taste weird to you. If you have, it will probably be the best tasting meal replacement you've tried.

All my food for the next 21 days will be portioned out according to the color-coded container system that the program uses.

Lunch is taco seasoned chicken breast with tomatoes and 1/4 avocado and red peppers wrapped in a tomato basil soft wrap . This will cost me 1 blue container (healthy fats), 1 red (protein), 1 green (veg) , 1 teaspoon (olive oil).

Dinner is beef stir-fry with mushrooms, onions and a side of  brown rice. 1.5 red (protein), 1 yellow (carb),
1 teaspoon (olive oil). For John I had to add on because he has more portions than I do.

I still have 1 purple (fruit), 1 green (veggies), and 1 orange (dressing) to work with. I'm thinking salad!

On this portion controlled meal plan all seasoning is "free", so I can spice everything up without having to count it.

As far as food goes, I wouldn't say I feel "full" but I don't feel "hungry" either. What surprised me was how much I walked over to the fridge, not even hungry, and then remembered that I can't just graze. It's amazing how much I would have eaten if I didn't plan it ahead of time. I can't wait to see my results after the first week of this meal plan.

Now, lets move on to the workouts. I've decided I am going to do the 21 Day Fix workouts AND lift at the gym. I want maximum results, which means maximum effort. Today's workout is the Total Body Cardio Fix which, despite being "cardio" does involve weights and is VERY challenging. It is a solid 30 minute workout without much room for taking breaks. I wasn't prepared to sweat so much.

I was going to post my "before" picture and measurements but I think I'll save it for the end of the week so you can actually see the difference.

If you want more info on the 21 Day Fix check out  THIS VIDEO. And PLEASE don't hesitate to join me on my journey. If you decide that you want to try the 21 Day Fix shoot me a message on the Facebook page and we can do it together!

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