Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"I'm crunching on my wooorkout balll, I never get those abs at alll!"

Today I was trying to find a pair of shoes I hid in our spare room back when our puppy wanted to eat the whole apartment. I noticed my "workout stash" in the corner. I'm pretty sure all of us have one; things we buy, use once, and then put in a corner somewhere. I have enough stuff for so many solid workouts, so WHY don't I use what I have?!

Other than laziness (guilty) I think it's simply the fact that I have to put the workout together myself. I bought all these things with the idea that they would aid me in getting into shape, not really thinking through HOW I would use them. I would roll out my mat with the intention of working out, so a couple dumbbell swings, crunches with my exercise ball, and then lay there just thinking of what I'm going to do next. It's pretty embarrassing, but that thing in the corner next to the exercise ball is supposed to be my sandbag...yeah there's no sand in it.

Not pictured: yoga mat, which I actually use!

Why is it so much easier for me to work out when there is someone there with you or talking at you in a video? I think working out in a group, or with a trainer (or your husband haha), or even doing a workout video, gives you that extra push to  challenge yourself because someone is "watching". Even if it's a dude telling you to "keep going" on the TV, someone who definitely isn't actually talking to you, it gives you that little bit of extra motivation.

This is why I think this challenge (which still hasn't got here btw...mail is reeeeally slow getting to Okinawa) is the perfect fit for me. My goal is to eventually make my own workout videos incorporating the equipment currently collecting dust in the spare room, but right now I need a little help being challenged and motivated. Anything that is competitive, whether it's with other people or myself, is going to keep me going!

What are some things that motivate you? Share it on the Facebook page!

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