Tuesday, April 29, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 2

This morning I felt:

 I woke up at 6:30 (this is normal though, because my dog doesn't have snooze) I got a lot of things done around the house, I drank a lot of water, I had my Shakeology breakfast (blended with a serving of pineapple), and this had me going until about 11:30. I am feeling a little sore from yesterdays workout, but I really like that "achy-muscles" feeling because it makes me feel like I've done something.

 For lunch I had a turkey wrap with 1/3 avocado, onion, and tapatio hot sauce. I also had some baby carrots as a snack. My energy definitely came down after lunch, I think I just need to get better sleep. Also I haven't had as much caffeine as I usually have every day, so my body is definitely not used to that.

I can have coffee on the 21 Day Fix but, honestly, if I can't have cream and sugar it just tastes like poop in a cup to me.

Today's workout was Upper Fix, which is an upper body workout (duh). It killlled my shoulders. I was pretty proud of my solid 8 push-ups before I did the girly ones. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be one of those cant-get-my-shirt-over-my-head kind of mornings. Can't wait!

I had a "book club" meeting tonight and the ladies were nice enough to make it a "healthy" snack meeting so people brought in veggies, hummus and such....yeah there were donuts (you know who you are!!!). Weird thing is, I didn't even care they were there! Didn't crave that sugar! So weird, since its just day 2 of clean eating.

I brought a quinoa salad. You can find the recipe on the FitGirlWannabe Facebook page!

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