Thursday, April 17, 2014

About this blog (and ME!)

I'm really bad at introductions so I'll just jump right into it.

I used to be chubby/fat/overweight. I ate my way through college after being a skinny minny in High School. Instead of the freshman 15 I gained the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior 35. Mind you, I'm 5 ft nothing so every pound shows. I ate simply because food is delicious, and didn't exercise because I didn't realize I was getting bigger. In my eyes I was still High School skinny minny.

It was after I graduated from University and started looking for work that I actually looked at several of my facebook pictures and realized I needed to actually work to be thin....DANGIT!

I needed some serious motivation. I needed my confidence back. So I decided to eat a little better (or at least a little less) and be a bit more active. 

What really got me motivated to get in shape was my decision to go teach in South Korea for a year (it ended up being two! but that's another story). I wanted to go in with a brand new start and be able to wear all the amazing clothes the South Koreans were wearing (they're a fashionable bunch).

So I got the job, booked my flight, and started doing Insanity and going to the little gym room in my apartment complex. 

The more weight I lost the more fun I began to have. I danced more, went out more, did my hair, dressed up. This is what I looked like when I got off the plane in South Korea.      

I ate relatively well in Korea, and had to walk everywhere so it was easy to keep up an active lifestyle. I also revisited my Insanity workouts whenever I needed a little boost.

It was in Korea that I met the love of my life, my wonderful husband of 5 and a half months. While I was in South Korea as an English teacher, he was stationed there with the US Air Force. He is now stationed in Okinawa, Japan and I joined him right after my second contract in Korea was up. 

Now, let me tell you about Okinawa. It is the slow island life, completely different from Korea. One of my favorite things to do on the island is....EAT!!!!

This is probably my last, and favorite, pic where I was slim.

And then........

I got lazy. In the midst of job hunting, adjusting to a new lifestyle, and simply enjoying the first months of being married I got a little too used to eating the same portions as my husband.

So here I am now, with 15 extra pounds.

As you can see I'm not too mad about it. This is because I know I can do something about it! My husband has motivated me to start lifting heavy at the gym, which is making me feel strong and I can already see results. Now, I just need to shed some extra pounds so you can see all that hard work. 

That is where this blog comes in!

Sometime next week I will receive my super awesome 21 Day Fix Challenge!!! 

I'll be recording my progress on this program daily and explain how it works as I go along. I've always wanted to do something like this and blog about it because I think it will keep me accountable and on track.
I am especially excited because many people have had great results with this program and it teaches you how to portion out your food and make healthy food choices.

My next post will be a breakdown of the program, so stay tuned!

If you would like to join me in this challenge or learn more about it send me a message or CLICK HERE

1 comment:

  1. YES! Way to go Iryna! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful story.
