Friday, May 9, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 13

Today I feel:

Motivated by my super-late workout last night, I decided to do my workout of the day a bit earlier. So now I'm sitting here high-5in myself because now I can spend the rest of the day on the couch! (jaykayyyy)

It has been a pretty productive Saturday morning, so I decided to blog earlier too (I'm just on a roll aren't I?!).

We loosely planned to go to the farmers market but its raining and gross so we might end up staying home and playing video games. Did I mention it's Saturday? Yep.

To change it up a bit, here's my breakfast!:

Choco-PB Protein Oatmeal
1 scoop protein powder of your choice (1 red)
1/3 cup of oatmeal (1 yellow)
1 cup water (freeee!)
1 teaspoon peanut butter (1 teaspoon)

Bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Stir in your oatmeal until it all soaks up and starts bubbling, then turn down the heat to low. Stir in your protein powder until its well incorporated into the mix. Serve in a bowl with 1 teaspoon of peanut butter and let it meeeellllllttttt (so good...seriously). If you want to be a healthy-Heather you can use PB2, which is a powdered peanut butter so it has no added oils. 

This is a breakfast that keeps on giving. The fiber in the oatmeal and the added protein will keep you full for EVAAA (ok maybe 'til lunch).

Enjoy and please post some of your oatmeal ideas on the facebook page!

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