Thursday, May 1, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 4

Today I feel: 

I feel like such an "active person" now. I know it's silly since its only day 4, but knowing I have to work out every day has put me in a super-woman mindset. I honestly don't have much to blog about today since it was a pretty average day. We had a bunch of leftovers so no recipes, BUT....I will be going shopping for more fresh veggies tomorrow so I'll definitely make something new for dinner.

I wasn't as sore as I expected from yesterdays Lower Fix workout. Today's workout was Pilates Fix and I realized that my husband doesn't have a yoga mat so we had to bust out a beach towel for him. Did I mention it was his first time doing pilates? Did I mention butt sliding around everywhere because beach towel? Yeah it was somethin'. I'm pretty sure he has bruises. He still kicked ass. That's dedication!

Oh and p.s. bee tee dubs did I mention I LOST 4 POUNDS!!! I was going to only weigh in at the end of each week but....whatever, I LOST 4 POUNDS!!! DAY 4!!! AAAHHHH! Ok, I'm out.

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