Friday, May 16, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 20

Today I feel:

This gif is how I feel every time I try to do push-ups, bench press, or attempting a pull up ( I call em "hang outs") I will seriously throw a party the day that I can complete a pull-up...JUST ONE PLZ!

Today was another sunny day! We hit up the dog park and chilled with some dog bros, then after we properly wore out our dog we went out to eat!!!

Time for some honestly....I saved all my containers for this one meal....I just had to. John's week of vaca ends tomorrow and my 21 Day Fix ends on a SUNDAY so it had to go down.

We went to a Brazilian place called Bovinos. It's all you can eat (I KNOW ...I know...) and there is a buffet of little salads and side dishes...and....get this....skewers of MEAT...all kinds of meat. The servers come around with tasty meat skewers and shave some off for you at the table. Did I mention all you can eat!?

I was prepared to leave disappointed and hungry but honestly I didn't even chow down like I thought I would. John and I got a little bit of each side dish and then a couple servings of meat from the skewers and we were pretty full and satisfied. I was pretty proud of myself, because you better believe I would have destroyed that buffet a month ago. So here's where things get hilariously weird. We turn over our "no more meat" card that we got for when we are ready to leave, the meat server (who I think is actually the owner) comes over with a skewer anyway and asks if we want more of the steak....we say no and he goes to the back room....he comes back out and asks my husband "Do you not like pork sir?", seriously sounding offended! We both kind of sit there and look at each other for a second, and John says "Uhh no, we are actually just really full." So the dude says "More steak?"....We decline....He leaves the table, obviously bothered by the fact that we are not still stuffing our faces. THEN our server comes over and asks if we didn't like something or if we WANT MORE MEAT, or if we want something else. At this point this is hilarious and I literally couldn't wait to laugh about it once we got out of there. Lesson learned, if you go to a Brazilian restaurant you better eat until the owner decides you've had enough meat.

p.s. Final RESULT pics tomorrow!!!! WOO!!!

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