Monday, May 12, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 15

Today I feel:

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It's SUCH a muggy day today. Nothing more gross then working out when you are already sticky sweaty. GAH!

I'm doing a plyometrics workout tonight (Plyo Fix) which is essentially a lot of squatting, jumping, and wheezing and half-dying and....I mean...its not that bad! I swear!

I have not done it yet because I'm scared. Last week after I did the plyo workout I was sore until Thursday. So that's gonna be fun!

I had a very satisfying protein oatmeal for breakfast (with a teaspoon of peanut butter!) and a turkey wrap for lunch. Snacks today were an apple and some baby carrots.

 We did go shopping today so I made chicken pitas for dinner! I am a little miffed though because I wanted to make Gyros but the Commissary on base was out of plain Greek yogurt which I DON'T GET since there was EVERY kind of Greek yogurt....fruit on the bottom...fruit on top....mixed fruit....chocolate...asparagus...BUT NO PLAIN...can someone exPLAIN that to me!?! I just wanna put some Greek yogurt in my pita can a girl catch a break! I "pita" the fool that has to eat a Gyro without Greek yogurt!

...I'm sorry I'm passionate about my yogurt today.

Anyway, the chicken pita was still delicious!!! I used 1/2 whole grain pita and stuffed it with a tablespoon of hummus, baby greens, roasted red pepper, and 2 baked chicken tenders. Here is the breakdown!

(because I didn't cheat on my diet, get it?)

baby greens (.5 green)
roasted red pepper (.5 green)
2 chicken tenders (1 red)
1 tbsp hummus (1 orange/ .5 blue)
1/2 whole grain pita bread (1 yellow)

The roasted red pepper is actually out of a jar (make sure to get the ones in water not with any additives). I got it from the deli if that helps at all. You can also roast your own in the oven, just spray em down with pam and throw on a cooking sheet for 400F (not sure how long though...probably around 20-30 minutes). Anyway, just throw all the ingredients into the pita pocket and enjoy! 

'Til tomorrow folks, I'm out.

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