Tuesday, May 13, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 16

Today I feel:

I threw together a beef stew this morning and the apartment has been smelling delicious all day!

I'm pretty proud of myself because I didn't open the lid obsessively like I usually do when I cook something in the crock pot. Apparently that's why most of what I cook takes such a long time since I keep letting the steam out. Oh well!

It isn't a 100% clean recipe because I used a can of tomatoes, but there is no flour or butter in it and I even skipped beef broth and potatoes (I'm starting to miss potatoes, but they're really only good when buttered up, mashed up, or fried). I did google "clean eating canned tomatoes" (because that's how I roll) and a lot of scary stuff about how I'm poisoning my body...so...I'll let you know tomorrow if we made it.

Low-carb Beef Stew

I used this recipe for the stew but omitted flour, potatoes, and beef broth. Instead of the broth I added a can of stewed tomatoes and a cup of water. I also added mushrooms. Because I didn't add flour it didn't come out as stew-y and more soup-y but it was still very delicious. For those of you who are not on the 21 Day Fix feel free to make it according to the recipe!

My husband is on leave for a week and I wanted to have a drink with him tonight but failed miserably in the taste department. I really didn't want to cheat (at least not too badly) so I just added a shot of vodka to my strawberry shakeology smoothie....Guys....if you ever think it's a good idea to experiment with protein shakes and booze...just...don't. That teaches me to try to get my drank on while on a diet program.

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