Saturday, May 3, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 6

Today I feel:

We did so many activities today! First we we went to the dog park (with our dog, otherwise it would be weird), then we went to the gym and did the Dirty 30 in their aerobics room. It's pretty awesome to have one of those to ourselves. We had no idea what today's 21 Day Fix workout, Dirty 30, was going to be like, but it ended up being a mix of lower and upper body workouts with weights and some ab work.

After that my husband had the awesome idea to go snorkeling since it got so warm. It was my FIRST TIME snorkeling! I loved it! I struggled a lot with the whole not breathing salt water in thing, and i definitely kept fogging up my goggles, but overall it was a lot of fun and amazing to see all the colorful fish. For those of you who don't know, we live on Okinawa so it's amazing I have been here this long without going snorkeling.

We kept breakfast simple today with Shakeology "smoothies". I just mixed upstrawberry Shakeology with one purple container of frozen strawberries. It's my favorite right now. For lunch we had (can you guess!?) spicy chicken wraps. For dinner we really wanted to get out of the house again so we decided to eat out!

I know what you're thinking....did Iryna give in and get pizza!? The answer is WHY YOU DOUBT ME MAN!? We went to a sushi-go-round so we can portion out exactly how much we can eat. This is our favorite one called Hamazushi.

I had 3 plates similar to the ones pictured with no extras like sauces or mayo (they love mayo here) and I also had 2 plates of sashimi without any rice. My sushi dinner equaled to 2 red (fish), 1 yellow (rice), and 1 green (veggies).

The last time we came to this restaurant our table was COVERED with those little plates. We just kept grabbing without realizing we are already full. Next time we come here we I definitely eat more than I had today (don't get me wrong, I didn't go hungry, but I'm still trying to lose weight) but there's no way I can go back to mindless eating without listening to what my body actually needs.

It really didn't help that the table next to us seemed to be professional sushi speed-eaters and  we could hardly see their faces behind towers of plates. We were a little jelly.

Now it's time to end this awesome Saturday night with a booze-free-Mario-party-scary-movie-extravaganza!

It's Yoga Fix day tomorrow! Grab a mat and get your zen on with me. :)


  1. Great job girl! :) I love reading your posts!

  2. Thanks Julia! It means so much to have your support!
