Wednesday, May 14, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 17

Today I feel:

I did 2 challenging workout videos today, Plyo Fix and Total Body Cardio Fix, and feel pretty unstoppable!

I also skipped one of my yellow containers (carbs) and still don't feel hungry.

What is this sorcery!?!?

I only have a few days left and I REALLY want to lose a few more pounds before I take my "after" pictures.

"What are you going to do next?" you might be wondering (I might be wondering). Well, the answer is....I'm going to go straight to the beach and strutt around in a bikini....then I'm going to have some pizza/beer/double cheeseburger....and then I'm going to get by butt right back in gear and do some heavy lifting!

I reeeally want to start building some strength and muscle (especially my booty and arms!) and there's just no way to do that at home so I'm going to be hitting the gym! As far as what program I'm going to use, I'm still researching, but most likely I will just work out with my husband who knows what he's doing.

Most of all, I'm so excited that I'm excited about what I'm going to do NEXT not "omg when will this be over!?!". The truth is, its NEVER over. You can't just do a quick fix and then get back on the couch, you have to KEEP working to maintain the sexy. Does that mean no more pizza? Heck to the no! It means pizza is a treat not a part of your every day meal plan.

Now if you guys wanna kick your workouts up a notch and be "strong like Russian farmer", you should give kettlebell workouts a try! Kettlebell swings are my favorite because I can do a couple sets and work up a sweat in a short period of time. Here are some other ideas.

The stuff they tell you about endorphins and being happy-go-lucky if you work out is so true BTW...I feel like rainbows and sunshine these days.

Now go get you some kettlebells!

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