Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekends...oh you!

Today I feel:
I just came back from a long walk with my dog. It decided to pour right in the middle of it so we both came back soaked. I swear my dog thinks I made it rain....she kept giving me the "make it stop" look.

It has been a lovely sunny memorial day weekend. We didn't go to the gym (because it was closed) but did a loooot of walking. I'm also feeling pretty tan lately.

It is pretty refreshing having a "cheat" (there was definitely booze involved) without feeling guilty. Treating yourself is ok, as long as it's in moderation and doesn't become your lifestyle. I don't know how many times I freaked out about eating pizza in the past because "OMG my diet is ruined!!@#"...seriously, just eat well the next day and you're good to go. To gain 1 lb you need to overeat by 3,500 calories. The mistake I would make is "OMG my diet is ruined....might as well eat the rest of that pizza!!!". THAT's how I gained weight. You don't get insta-fat from a spoon-full of ice cream.

TREATCHOSELF!! ( moderation)

Speaking of treat! Last night's dinner was da bommmmmmb (patting myself on the back).

Spicy Mustard-Glazed Salmon w/ Rice Noodle Stir-fry

1 salmon filet (1.5 red)
1 bunch bok choy (1 green)
1/2 cup mushrooms (1/2 green)
2/3 cup cooked rice noodles (2 yellow)
1 tsp sesame oil (1 tsp)
1/2 tsp spicy mustard (free)
garlic flakes (free)
seafood seasoning mix (free)
1 tsp soy (if you aren't doing the fix ;) )

If you want a little bit more flavor use a mix of spicy and honey's seriously delish.

Preheat oven to 400F. Rub your salmon on the skin side with seafood seasoning and place skin-down in an oven-safe dish sprayed with pam. On top of the salmon spread the spicy mustard, season with seafood seasoning or whatever you have on hand (salt and pepper should do it!). I also sprinkled some garlic flakes on top. Bake for 15 minutes or until you can flake it with a fork (my oven usually does it in 20).

While the salmon is baking boil your noodles and get a pan out to sautee your bok choy and mushrooms. Warm up the sesame oil and throw the veggies in the pan (or wok if you have one), sautee until the bok choy wilts down (about 5 minutes). Throw in the noodles (they cook fast!) and stir fry together. Add garlic flakes and soy sauce, toss a couple more times, then serve!

Like I mentioned before, I'm eating a little bit more since I'm not trying to lose weight just maintain, but I'll keep posting recipes using 21 Day Fix measurements for those of you doing the program!

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