Saturday, May 17, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 21

Today I feel:

It's day 21!!! YES! You know what that means, final PROGRESS pic!!!

Here are my results for WEEK 3!!! I went from 127 lb to 117lb! In the first week I lost 5lb, 2nd week I lost 2 lb, and 3rd week I kicked it up a notch and lost 3lb!

Here's a side view of week 1 through week 3. I lost the most inches in my stomach (3.5) and the rest came off my thighs (although I still have thunder thighs haha) and a bit off my arms and hips. It's AMAZING to me that I could do this in 3 weeks.

Thank you everyone who has been keeping up with the blog, every single "view" kept me accountable and kept me going.

This is only the beginning! I will be training in the gym with my husband starting TOMORROW! Check out tomorrow's post for our routine.


  1. Iryna, you look great! Your progress is inspiring. :)

    By posting this comment, I just realized I have a Blogger account from 2011. Weird.


  2. Thanks Danessa! I appreciate you checking my blog out, it really means a lot! I guess it's a sign that you need to start writing posts in yours huh haha
