Tuesday, May 6, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 9

Today I feel:

I've always had a love-hate relationship with working out. I would love the idea of it....and the feeling I get afterward, but I would dread the "during".

I find myself looking forward to workouts these days and actually getting excited about them. I think half the reason for this is because my amazing support system, my husband, works out with me and I love when we can sweat together and encourage each other to keep going. It is really important to have someone there for you, even if they aren't doing the workouts with you, even if they are in another country (Liz!).

 If you want to lose weight TELL EVERYONE! You will get so much support and motivation and recipes and tips...it's amazing how much people WANT you to succeed. No one is sitting there betting against you (and if they are they just want their own insecurities validated).

If you want to start going to the gym, talk to someone who goes regularly. If you see someone who also wants to start working out and eating healthy, TALK to them and ask them to be buddies. And always remember that you can message me, whether you want to do the program that I am doing or if you just want to talk about how we both can stay on track.

On that note! Here's dinner!

2 chicken tenders[1 red]
quinoa spaghetti, one serving (as per box) [2 yellow]
1/2 cup mushrooms [1/2 green]
1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts [1/2 green]
1 teaspoon olive oil
salt, pepper, other seasoning (free!)

Directions: Preheat oven to 360F, spray an oven safe dish with pam and place the chicken tenders inside. Season with salt, pepper, and whatever spices you like (cajun spices for me today). Bake tenders for 35 minutes. While chicken tenders are in the oven, prepare the quinoa spaghetti using the directions on the box. Heat up the olive oil in a nonstick pan, throw the mushrooms and sprouts on there! When the spaghetti is done, throw that in there as well to coat everything and season with salt and pepper (and garlic flakes!).

This came out extra delicious so I hope you enjoy it! Quinoa spaghetti was a lucky find (since I had no idea of its existance). It's gluten free and all that good stuff!

The workout today was Upper Fix again, and surprisingly easy. I must go up in weight next time. Never fear going heavier (I'm talkin' to you ladies).

Have a great day/night, wherever in the world you may be.

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