Friday, May 2, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 5

Today I feel:

Ok, so it caught up with me today. I'm hungry. THERE, I said it! I realized an hour after dinner that my snack box had a serving of celery sticks left...and that's it :(. You can mark down Friday as "cravings day".

It's also usually booze day (but not this month!), and that paired with the fact that there won't be any pizza just depressing.

I was soooo motivated all day, I even did an extra work out on top of my Cardio Fix. My floor has seen much sweat today (sorry, gross).

Of course I won't be cheating, because that's cheating. And I'm going to enjoy every damn bite of those celery sticks!!!

Here's what John and I had for dinner. His looks prettier than mine so I took a picture of it. It's the mustard salmon recipe from my second post, roasted brussel sprouts, and rice noodles.

This plate has 2 green, 2 red, and 2 yellow, 2 teaspoons. Mine is about half of this minus noodles. The brussels were roasted in pam and the rice noodles are seasoned with salt and pepper.

I also made some delish chicken taco meat in the crock pot. I'll be using that tomorrow for my quinoa and chicken stuffed peppers.

Shredded Taco Chicken

3 skinless chicken breasts (3 red)
1 can of diced tomatoes (2.5 green)
taco spice mix (free)

I'm pretty excited about those stuffed peppers so I'll be posting the full recipe tomorrow!

Overall today was a good day, not fantastic, but still good. I am not discouraged and I am seeing changes in my body which is what this is what's important. I have also noticed that when I use the containers to portion out my food I already know how much is going on the plate! I am very excited about this because it means I am learning how much my body really needs rather than just piling on food to see how much I can chow down. Progress!

1 comment:

  1. All of your food looks so delish! My husband and I are trying to get into meal planning and eating healthier. I think I just found the perfect blog to help that process!

    I also wanted to reach out to you to see if you'd be interested in something... I'm in Okinawa, too, and was thinking of putting together a lunch or dinner for local, Oki bloggers. I think it'd be a great way to meet new people, explore the island, network, etc... Let me know if you're interested!

