Sunday, May 4, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 7

Today I feel:

It's weigh-in day! I couldn't be happier about my week 1 results. In just a week I learned how to eat the right portions, reduced my sugar cravings, worked out EVERY DAY, and lost 5 lbs! That's right 5 lbs! Most of this came off my waist, which is even more fantastic.

I felt so good I even walked around in my sports bra all morning. Here is my progress so far. I honestly don't see too much difference in the photos, compared to how much better I feel, but there is definitely a slight difference in my middle section.

I am still gunning for that 15 lb total at the end of week 3, but I will be thrilled to lose even 5 more lb. So excited to start week 2!

For dinner tonight I made those quinoa stuffed peppers I mentioned the other day. Here's what my portion looked like.

Look at all dat marketing yo. Just tryin' to get some blog views NBD.

The chicken recipe is from this post and the portion above is 1 red and 1/3 green. 
Here is the recipe for the pepper!
Quinoa Stuffed Pepper

1 bell pepper (1 green)
1/3 cup cooked quinoa (1 yellow)
1/2 onion, chopped (1/3 green)
2 button mushrooms, chopped (1/3 green)
1/4 cup cheddar (1 blue)
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil (1 tsp)
spices of your choice 

Preheat oven to 400F (I think it said 350 on the original recipe but we were hungry...) While you prepare the quinoa, sautee the mushrooms and onions in 1 tsp of oil. Mix the prepared quinoa in with the mushroom and onion in the pan. Season it with salt, pepper, and whatever spices you like. I used a cajun spice mix. Cut the top off the bell pepper and get all the seeds and little white parts out. Stuff the pepper with the quinoa mixture. Spray any oven-safe dish or pan with pam and place the stuffed pepper inside. Bake for....well honestly I just kind of kept checking back on it until I saw that the pepper looked soft....I'm really bad at this whole recipe thing, I should really start following the directions more carefully. Anyway, I think it took about 20 minutes, plus another 5 to melt the cheese. You should probably look up another recipe online though, this one's a hot mess. ;)

If you attempt to make this recipe please post pics on the facebook page

The workout today was an active rest day with Yoga Fix! I am a yoga beginner but it was easy to follow the moves and it really loosened up our muscles (my husband's first yoga experience!). 

Sorry, no downward dog from the dog.

Hope your day was as fantastic as mine.


(p.s. my friend Nicole was helpful and fixed my form for this pose! You can print this out and circle all my mistakes as a little yoga game!)

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