Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hitting the Gym: Legs on FIRE

Today I feel:
Today was leg day which means I'll be learning to walk all over again tomorrow...or worse, the pain won't actually hit me for another day which means it'll last forEVER.

Here is what our routine looked like today:

Day 3: Legs
Barbell squats (video)
Leg extensions (video)
Leg curls (video)
Leg press (video)

One time at the gym my form was a little off on squats and one of the trainers came up to me and gave me this little piece of advice. "Just pretend your husbands face is right under you...and you have to fart really you have to hold it in so you don't fart in his face...." Her advice half worked because now I have to tighten up my body every time so I don't start cracking-up imagining that scenario.

I forgot to mention that before we actually get in the weight room we do 5 minutes on the treadmill just to warm up, usually just walking on an incline. And don't forget to stretch! (Now I just sound like your mother.)

For dinner I made some seasoned baked chicken with a side of roasted brussel sprouts and a boiled purple sweet potato. (sounds boring now that I read it)

1 boneless skinless chicken breast
1 cup brussel sprouts
1 small purple sweet potato
garlic flakes
2 tsp olive oil
chicken seasoning of your choice (I used half the spices in my spice cabinet lol)

Preheat oven to 350F. Rub a boneless, skinless, chicken breast with a tsp olive oil (ohhh yeahhhhh) and place in an oven-safe dish. Season on both sides with salt, pepper, or seasoning of your choice. Bake for 40-45 minutes depending on how thick the breast is (I don't play games with under-cooked chicken). (1 red)

Toss the brussel sprouts with a tsp of olive oil, garlic flakes, salt, and pepper. Baked in the oven at 350F for 40 minutes (because it's how long the chicken breast takes and I didn't feel like going to the oven an extra time...yup).  Make sure to rustle your brussels every once in a while so they get color on all sides.

Purple sweet potatoes are an Okinawan thing and they taste more dessert-y like they are flavored with something...anyway, they're good, try em. (1 yellow for you 21 Day Fix-ers). Boil em up and eat them plain, they don't need any seasoning!

Day 4 is REST DAY! Yoga and naps....allllll day.

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