Thursday, May 8, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 11

Today I feel:

Today I had a pretty active day. I felt SOOO good this morning, so I spent half of it running around with my dog (she loved that).

I've been trying to figure out how to work with my fresh veggies. I have never had so much fresh food in my fridge so I really don't know what goes bad first and when I should cook what. That's been a struggle the last few days because we will buy a bunch of vegetables and then they're gone in two days....but if we buy more of everything stuff ends up going bad..  AAHHHH...I need to google this stuff.

Brekkie, lunch and dinner were all repeats today so no cool pics! I did just join a cool Facebook group called 21 Day Fix Recipe/Meal Swap so I can't wait to try some stuff out from there.

Today was Lower Fix Day! Squats, lunges, leg lifts oh my. This is definitely the one that I grunt, whine, and collapse to. But somehow I still look forward to it the most! Is that weird?..

This is going to be a short and sweet post because I am really into this random show "My Cat From Hell"...who the heck names their cat "Minibar"?

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