Wednesday, May 7, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 10

Today I feel:

I messed up guys! I, somehow, miscalculated how much I should eat this morning and ended up eating all the "good stuff" before noon :(. This pretty much left me with a protein shake and vegetables for dinner....IM STAHVIN.

I will need to plan a little better tomorrow.

Oh, and I still had to cook John a nice dinner since HE didn't mess up.

Did I mention I get grumpy when I'm hungry?

Well...since I can't show you a picture of my dinner, here's what John had:

Baked Chicken Breast w/ Green Beans and Whole Grain Rotini

Looks good doesn't it? Yeah, it smelled good too. This super simple meal ended up being 2 greens, 2 yellows, and 2 reds.
You will need:
1 chicken breast
2 cups green beans
2/3 cup rotini
garlic flakes
seasoning of your choice

 Just season and bake your chicken breast (with pam) for 40 minutes on 350, meanwhile prepare some plain whole grain pasta of your choice and sautee 2 cups of green beans with some garlic and olive oil. For some flavor I used salt and pepper on the rotini. I can almost taste it!!! AHH...lesson learned.

We did  pilates today because my calves were seriously hurting (I was walking around like a penguin this morning) so we are saving Lower Fix for tomorrow when we can go to the gym and get some heavy weights onnnnn.

Have a happy hump day!

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