Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hitting the Gym: Day 1 & 2

Today I feel:

Time to kickoff my lifting routine! I gave myself a day off from blogging (you know, because its so hard and stuff) so today's post is a combo-post. 

The routine we are doing is push, pull, legs, rest, repeat. I will try my best to explain, but since I'm pretty much going with what my husband shows me how to do in the gym, I by no means know what I'm talking about.

Day 1 is "push", so we do lifts that require a pushing motion (I guess they wouldn't be "lifts" then..."pushers"?).

I did 3 sets of 8 repetitions (reps) of each exercise. This means you do the exercise 8 times without stopping, and that's one set.  Rest, do it again, rest, do it again. Before you do the 3 sets though you do a light warm-up set. For the warm-up set, choose a weight that you could comfortably complete 12 repetitions with.

When I first started going to the gym with my husband we did a 5x5 routine of compound lifts (squats, dead-lifts, bench press) to build up strength. John recommends doing this if you just started going to the gym because you'll work all your muscle groups and build up a good foundation.

So here's what we did the last 2 days!

Day 1: Push
Flat bench (video)
Overhead press (video)
Incline dumbbell press (video)
Tricep dips (video) (assisted for me!)
Cable flys (video)(I call them stupid faces...I might not like this one too much)

Day 2: Pull
Dead-lifts (video)
Pull-ups (assisted...shut up)(video)
Dumbbell rows (video)
Dumbbell pull-overs (video)
Barbell curls (video)

If you want to start this routine with me don't hesitate to post on the facebook page and I'll answ.... I'll get my husband to answer your questions (lol). I'm gonna be a pro soon I swear!!!

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