Thursday, May 29, 2014

Case of the Thursdays

Today I feel:

I don't even know why I'm so sleepy! I started the day on the right foot, taking my pup for a walk through what felt like a giant cloud it was so foggy.

I did a circuit training class for the first time today. One of the ladies from Book Club invited me to join her and three of us ended up going after the Book Club meeting.

 I got it in my head that circuit training was strictly in the weight room, but it was actually a group class in the aerobics room. There was a nice super-happy Japanese man that led the class. He spoke some English but mostly just gestured and yelled at you if you were doing something he didn't like. There were 10 stations set up that each of us spent a minute doing and then went on to the next station. It was set up in a circle (duh, Iryna, circuit training). Mostly he had us using body-weight and resistance bands, there were a couple stations that used dumbbells. We did the circuit two times and then did a group workout.

I'm not gonna lie, I got a little cocky when he told me and the other new girl to grab the light weights because we are "new" and grabbed some heavy weights to "show him"....I don't necessarily regret pride was at stake...but I will definitely not be reaching anything on the top shelf tomorrow morning.

This is an example of what a "circuit" might look like. I just found this one and I kind of like it so I'll probably be doing this for my morning work-out tomorrow.

If there is a class opening up at your local gym, try it out!

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