Thursday, May 15, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 18

Today I feel:

For 18 days now I have not had any sweets, no sugar in my coffee, and only 2 servings of fruit a day.

Yesterday my husband ate a blueberry muffin and I WASN'T EVEN JELLY! (maybe a little jelly)

It is very weird for me not to crave sugar, but I really don't! If there was cake right in front of me right now I would pass (unless it was Oreo ice cream cake...there are exceptions people).

There is definitely a detox process that happens when you give up sugar. At first you get mad about it, feel a little weak, after a few days your energy skyrockets and STAYS there. I still get sugar btw, just from fruit. If for nothing else, try eating clean for 2 weeks just to see how much sugar affects (its affects right? effects didn't sound right...I always get those two mixed up) your system.

I did another 2 workouts today, Pilates Fix and Dirty 30. My husband got his workout in with puppy-curls and tricep-tugs. If you have a small dog I recommend adding weight (maybe make it wear a sandbag vest), and if you have cats I would use them as dumbbells instead (please post pics).

Here's what we had for dinner!

Baked Chicken Tenders w/ Whole Grain Rotini and Broccoli Mushroom Sautee

It is very easy to make, just bake up a couple chicken tenders, boil some whole grain rotini, and sautee (with pam) a half cup of mushrooms with a half cup of broccoli. Season to taste and enjoy! The 2 tenders are 1 red , veggies 1 green, pasta 1 yellow, and I used 1 tsp just because I sprayed a lot of pam (lol).
Hope you are inspired to eat something healthy and delicious today! 

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