Saturday, May 31, 2014

Better Pi"late"s than never!

Today I feel:

I wanted to do something low impact this morning (mostly because of a teensy tiny hangover... ;) ) so I decided to hit up some pilates.

For some reason people put pilates in the same category as yoga. It is true that they are both low impact workouts but I assure you they're not the same thing.

I, personally, enjoy pilates a bit more than yoga because it reeeally hits your core. It's ALL about the core and lengthening your limbs (not literally...just...stretching haha). Plus it kind of makes me feel like a ballerina when I do the straight leg stretch with my toes pointed and stuff.

If you are wanting to get into pilates I strongly recommend blogilates, she doesn't mess around and there are tons of free videos.

Beachbody is also coming out with a new program called PiYo which incorporates pilates and yoga but isn't your grandmas workout video so you'll sweat without killin' your knees.

Here's an update on my "maintenance"! This was super important to me because I have always gained weight back after following a "program".

As of today (a pretty cheat-full weekend) I weigh 119lb, which technically a 2lb gain from 2 weeks ago when I completed the 21 Day Fix, but with the way the body fluctuates I'm going to call this a successful maintenance!! Plus my stomach is still flat!

I am feeling that I'm gaining some strength but I honestly have not been following a strict gym plan. I have been alternating between gym days, 30-minute home workouts, and just being out and about walking outside more. This wasn't the plan but I'm pretty happy about my body and where I'm at physically so can't complain! Definitely wan't more definition though so will have to  commit to more gym days.

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