Monday, May 5, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 8

Today I feel:

It's the beginning of the rainy season here on Okinawa and I HATE IT. It rained hard all morning so I couldn't take the dog out for a walk or do anything outside. I don't know about you guys but my mood reflects the weather. This is why I think I was born to live in warmer climates.

I did get a lot done around the house, and planned some meals for the rest of the week. I am going to hit week 2 hard and try to get in as many extra workouts as I can.

Instead of doing the Total Body Fix, my husband and I popped in the Plyo Fix bonus DVD. I kid you not, it was the hardest workout so far. We were out of breath after each round. If you don't know what plyometrics is....its ....evil...pure squat-jumping-burpee-doing evil! I'm just kidding it was awesome. At least when it was over ;)

Here's tonight's dinner: Crockpot Beef Stew w/ Sweet Potato

I wish I could post the recipe for this but I don't remember the cooking time! Next time I make it I will break everything down. Either way I don't think it's extremely 21DayFix friendly, but there is no flour or white potatoes so it's definitely a healthy take on a stew. 

Tomorrow will be a very busy day for me with possible great news!!! 

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